Tag Archives: theatre

014: Rebecca Bernstein – ZOOM SHAKESPEARE

This episode, Tim talks to actor Rebecca Bernstein about her creation Zoom Shakespeare. Born out of the 2020 COVID lockdown, Rebecca made ZSP into a dynamic online performance space which has produced the entire Shakespeare canon within two years! Since then she has carried the company into other public domain works and radio drama featuring cast members from not only Houston, but also the UK, Canada, Russia, and elsewhere. Rebecca also talks about her spooky Strange Bird Immersive character and her challenging upcoming role in David Harrower’s Blackbird*. Other subjects include Idina Menzel (sort of), pre-school performance, evolving equity, dumpster diving, cheese, gender-flipped casts, and Sherlock Holmes.

* FYI – Blackbird has added performances since recording this episode, scroll down for a link to tickets!


Wanna find us?

Zoom Shakepeare 

Facebook (main page): https://www.facebook.com/ZoomShakespeare

Facebook (interested actors): https://www.facebook.com/groups/430542654444198


Rebecca Bernstein, guest

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccafloren00/


4D PERFORMING ARTS COLLECTIVE – Blackbird (Now running two weekends: July 22-31)

Get tickets: https://fb.me/e/6sHGOfCr4


Strange Bird Immersive: The Man From Beyond

Website: https://strangebirdimmersive.com/


Strutting & Fretting Podcast

Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net


Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strutfretpodcast/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fretme

Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey


Timothy Eggert, host

Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert

Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim

Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert

011: Devin Whitten & Casey Radle – GOD OF CARNAGE

After a long hiatus (blame COVID), Tim talks to actors Devin Whitten & Casey Radle about their production of God of Carnage at StageWorks Theatre! Join them as they discuss the good and evil in all of us. They also touch on the topics of recent books, psychology, Olympic sport and more! In the second half, Dev revels in the joy of theatre education and podcasting, and Casey discusses her passion for lifelong work as a mental health professional.

No description available.

No description available.


The POPcast Pod


Wanna find us?

God of Carnage info:

StageWorks February 11 – 27, 2022

Devin Whitten, guest

Facebook: www.facebook.com/devashwhitcoaching

Twitter: @devinashleywhit

Instagram: @devinashleywhitten

Website: www.devashwhit.com

The POPCast with Aura & Dev

Twitter: @thepopcastpod

Instagram: @thepopcastpod

Website: www.thepopcastpod.com

Strutting & Fretting Podcast

Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net


Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strutfretpodcast/

Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey

Timothy Eggert, host

Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert

Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim

Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert

Fabletown info:


006 – Bill Giffen: TALK RADIO

After a bit of a hiatus, Tim talks to actor Bill Giffen about his role in the Dirt Dogs Theatre Company production of Talk Radio. They discuss how this 1988 Pulitzer Prize winning drama continues to speak to the twenty-first century. Bill also cleverly declares a favorite day trip destination, and recalls his early joys and challenges of teaching theatre to kids. Finally, the episode ends with a fantastic performance from The Merchant of Venice and some slight embarrassment for the host.


Wanna find us?

Talk Radio info:

Bill Giffen, guest
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/williambgiffen/

Fabletown info:

Strutting & Fretting Podcast
Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fretme
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme
Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey

Timothy Eggert, host
Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim
Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert
AMA: www.ask.fm/dangertim

005 – Debra Schultz & Sam Martinez: A FEW GOOD MEN

In our second conversation about Aaron Sorkin’s amazing play, A Few Good Men, director Debra Schultz discusses pushing the comfort level of the audience and tackling difficult material. We also talk to actor Sam Martinez about the only line in his very first play ever, as well as creating the iconic towering role of Colonel Nathan Jessep.

As a bonus, Sam and Deb wax obsessive during the Special Star Wars Edition of the Fret-worthy Five, and present an unforgettable scene from Doctor Faustus!



Wanna find us?

A Few Good Men info:

Sam Martinez, guest
Website: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3411989/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sammar7
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sammar7/

Fabletown info:

Strutting & Fretting Podcast
Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fretme
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme
Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey

Timothy Eggert, host
Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim
Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert
AMA: www.ask.fm/dangertim

003 – Callen McLaughlin & Natalie Lerner: A FEW GOOD MEN

In this Strutting & Fretting episode, Tim hangs out with his fellow cast members, Callen McLaughlin and Natalie Lerner, who are starring in the Stageworks production of A Few Good Men. They dig deep into Aaron Sorkin’s landmark military drama, the rhythm to his writing, and his apparent penchant for softball.

Also, they discuss the pros and cons of life in Los Angeles, reveal what they’d go dumpster diving for, and share a lost dog story. Finally, Callen and Natalie enjoy some Yoo-Hoo, and round out the episode with an askew scene from Julius Caesar! 


Wanna find us?

A Few Good Men info:

Natalie Lerner, guest
Website: natalielerner.me
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NatalieLernerFanPage

Fabletown info:

Strutting & Fretting Podcast
Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fretme
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme

Timothy Eggert, host
Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim
Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert

002 – Sean K. Thompson

In this (much easier to hear) episode of Strutting & Fretting, Tim talks to director Sean K. Thompson about his upcoming production of Kiss Me Kate. During the conversation, they dive deep into the Conroe Shakespeare Festival, as well as Sean’s adventures as an actor, filmmaker, talk show host, novelist, and playwright – which includes a nude scene, death threats, and protecting civil discourse.  ­

For fun, we also delve into foreign films, bomb shelters, and Girl Scout cookies. Finally, Sean rounds out the time with the definitive mouthful of Hamlet!


Wanna find us?

Sean Thompson, guest.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sean.k.thompson
Talk Show: irlonestar.com/mwls
Business: www.creativecontentcreations.com

Strutting Fretting Podcast
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fretme
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme

Timothy Eggert, host.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim
Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert

Ep. 1 – Amy & Jared Barnes from Haven Arts Theatre

In the premiere episode of Strutting and Fretting, we talk to Amy and Jared Barnes, the creators of Haven Arts Theatre. We discuss their dreams for this new venue, which looks to collaborate with a multitude of artists, dancers, singers, actors, playwrights, and directors from Houston. They elaborate on their first original production: “Come Alive,” their Kickstarter page, and their experiences as actors and choreographers.

Just for fun, we also discuss a few unrelated subjects – including artificial intelligence, the “Great American Novel,” and other tangents. Finally, Jared and Amy round out the hour with an askew performance from Much Ado About Nothing.