Tag Archives: Zoom Shakespeare

014: Rebecca Bernstein – ZOOM SHAKESPEARE

This episode, Tim talks to actor Rebecca Bernstein about her creation Zoom Shakespeare. Born out of the 2020 COVID lockdown, Rebecca made ZSP into a dynamic online performance space which has produced the entire Shakespeare canon within two years! Since then she has carried the company into other public domain works and radio drama featuring cast members from not only Houston, but also the UK, Canada, Russia, and elsewhere. Rebecca also talks about her spooky Strange Bird Immersive character and her challenging upcoming role in David Harrower’s Blackbird*. Other subjects include Idina Menzel (sort of), pre-school performance, evolving equity, dumpster diving, cheese, gender-flipped casts, and Sherlock Holmes.

* FYI – Blackbird has added performances since recording this episode, scroll down for a link to tickets!


Wanna find us?

Zoom Shakepeare 

Facebook (main page): https://www.facebook.com/ZoomShakespeare

Facebook (interested actors): https://www.facebook.com/groups/430542654444198


Rebecca Bernstein, guest

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccafloren00/


4D PERFORMING ARTS COLLECTIVE – Blackbird (Now running two weekends: July 22-31)

Get tickets: https://fb.me/e/6sHGOfCr4


Strange Bird Immersive: The Man From Beyond

Website: https://strangebirdimmersive.com/


Strutting & Fretting Podcast

Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net


Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strutfretpodcast/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fretme

Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey


Timothy Eggert, host

Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert

Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim

Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert