Tag Archives: Christopher Marlowe

005 – Debra Schultz & Sam Martinez: A FEW GOOD MEN

In our second conversation about Aaron Sorkin’s amazing play, A Few Good Men, director Debra Schultz discusses pushing the comfort level of the audience and tackling difficult material. We also talk to actor Sam Martinez about the only line in his very first play ever, as well as creating the iconic towering role of Colonel Nathan Jessep.

As a bonus, Sam and Deb wax obsessive during the Special Star Wars Edition of the Fret-worthy Five, and present an unforgettable scene from Doctor Faustus!



Wanna find us?

A Few Good Men info:

Sam Martinez, guest
Website: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3411989/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sammar7
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sammar7/

Fabletown info:

Strutting & Fretting Podcast
Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fretme
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme
Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey

Timothy Eggert, host
Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim
Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert
AMA: www.ask.fm/dangertim