Tag Archives: Fairy Tales

004 – Jordan O’Neal & Kristen Malisewski: FABLETOWN

In this bonus episode of Strutting & Fretting, Tim has a fantastic chat with executive producer/actor Jordan O’Neal and actress Kristen Malisewski from the upcoming web series Fabletown. They dive into how the series came to be, all the local talent involved, and what you can do to help its production! They also discuss Basil Rathbone, the Duke and Duchess of Cheddar, and the regretful invention of Twitter.

Finally, Kristen, Jordan, and Tim make their own fairy tale come to life right before your very ears!  

Jordan, Kristen, and Tim during podcast recording! FABLETOWN logo

Emma Van Lare as Snow White Holly Dacke as Cinderella

Kristen Malisewski as Beauty Jordan O'Neal as Bigby Wolf


Wanna find us?

Fabletown, web series
Website: www.fabletownseries.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FabletownMiniSeries/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabletownseries
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabletownseries/

Jordan O’Neal, guest
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joroneal/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jordanonealofficial/

Strutting & Fretting Podcast
Website: struttingandfretting.blubrry.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fretme
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fretme
Survey: www.blubrry.com/struttingandfretting/survey

Timothy Eggert, host
Facebook: www.facebook.com/actor.timothy.eggert
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dangertim
Instagram: www.instagram.com/timothyeggert
AMA: www.ask.fm/dangertim